New year, new set of 12 goals - Ceramic goals for 2025
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I really liked having some goals last year, and even though I did not accomplish them all completely, I did make a lot of headway. It has been so much fun to read at the end of the year what I thought at the beginning of the year, so with that said, let's get into some goals for 2025, how about it?
I have divided my goals up into 3 categories: education, making and sales.
1. Glaze workshop
I dipped my toe into glaze testing around mid 2024, but did not have nearly enough time to do all that I wanted. One of the things being taking an actual class in glaze chemistry, so this year, I am going to sign up for a glaze mixing class that has been recommended to me by other potters. I am going to pick the self directed course so I can go at my own speed. As soon as I have my first one or two bisques under my belt this new year, I think that is when I will begin. Can't wait.
2. mentorship
Along-side the course, I can not wait to work more with my glaze mentor who I raved about here.
I spent this weekend replenishing my cone packs and throwing some test tiles in preparation for my testing. I am very exciting to move to all my own glazes very very soon.
3. Mad skills online workshop
If you have followed me for any length of time, you know that I really want to be able to do the 3 pound, 12 inch cylinder challenge and Amy the Potter below can do that challenge with her eyes closed and beat it by a couple of inches, so when I saw that she put on an online "mad skills" workshop, I just had to sign up for that. It is just a couple of hours, but maybe I can learn a trick or two so that 2025 is the year where I too beat that challenge.
4. Nceca
Nceca is a huge annual ceramic's conference, and guess what? I am going. This will be my first year and I am super excited. It is in Salt Lake City where I have never been. I watched this video and that gave me a very good idea of what it is like, but I am sure it is even better in person.
5. Build inventory
This year will be all about managing my inventory. Specifically, so that I have a bit more inventory in front of me at all times. With all the time management I did last year, I have a much better idea of how and when to make things so that it makes sense with my markets etc. I am very excited to leave the feeling of "being behind", uhm, behind me.
6. try out screen printing
Last year I bought ALL THE THINGS for this, but had no time whatsoever to play with this at all. I want to do that this year. Screen printing allows you to turn your drawings into a screen like you would use for T-shirt printing, but instead you can print on clay with underglaze. I am here for it!
7. carve out time for play and inspiration
In the same vein as number 5, I want to carve out more "non busy" time where I can just play around with clay and be inspired. I don't want to just make, make, make. I also want to innovate and come up with new ideas. And that takes time. This one is all about being in the flow state and coming up with new things and testing them out. I have so many ideas!
8. Make place settings for myself
Last year I accomplished this insane goal of making place settings for my Easter lunch with friends. That made me so happy. This year, I want to build on that. I want to create a full set of place settings for my own home. 10 each of dinner plates, appetizer plates, bread plates, and soup bowls. Two each of some platters, wine coasters, salat bowls, salt cellars, butter dishes and a gaggle of candlesticks to set the table.
9. Find new markets
Last year, I found a couple of fantastic new markets. This year, I would love to add one or two markets to those. I am aiming for about 5-6 markets per year.
10. Explore other sales channels
I also want to work on a few other sale channels this year. Not entirely sure what this will be, but I have some ideas that I want to investigate further. I am excited to see what will happen there.
11. Finish building my online shop
I would like to finish my online shop. It is actually mostly finished, but I need to make and fill it with ceramics. Lots of photography, descriptions, measurements, photoshopping, uploading. It is a pretty big task. Maybe give it a little beauty makeover. That is the plan.
12. Have an online sale
And tied to goal number 11 is to then put on an online sale for the first time. This will be for shipping within the US. I have no idea if there is any interest in this, so we shall see how it goes. I am not sure what kind of ceramics to put in the sale or when to have it. Decisions, decisions. And lots of planning.
And there you have it. 12 nice bold goals. I can not wait to get started!
Whish me luck!
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I am a Danish American making Scandinavian inspired ceramics out of my home based studio in a forest. These are my stories from the studio. But there is more Katja Kromann Portfolio