I vendored at two Christmas markets around Seattle this year
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This year I made it to two Christmas markets. They were both new to me. The first one was the Renton Holiday Bazaar at the end of November. This was a two day show with set-up the day before the first day of market. Here is what that first day of set up looked like. All our shelving and canvas were quickly set in place and we are ready to load in all my ceramics on the first day of market.

The set up can look a bit hectic, but then all of a sudden it all comes together and then it looks like this and this is what it looks like when we are ready for the market to open.
This year we offered free gift box wrapping when you bought a snowflake tree or a Christmas home which you can see below in the video. And here is our first customer of the first day, with two ornaments wrapped, ready for gift giving. Hand stamped tags give the packages a final touch.

Our next market was at Kennedy Highschool Holiday Fair in December. Here we had an 8x8 booth. A bit smaller than our usual foot print, but we totally made it work.
This was a one day market with set up the same day, early in the morning. Luckily Kennedy Highschool has a large group of volunteers to help you carry in everything, so that went right quick. We were so grateful for this help at 6.15 in the morning.
This gave us a fair amount of time to set everything up still which you can see below right. Ready for market opening.
Here is a pan of the Kennedy fair to give you an idea. Our booth was in the gym. On the right i circled our booth.

This Christmas we debuted some lighting on the lower shelves. Here you can see it with the lights off and on. It does make a difference, albeit subtle.
Another new thing that we brought to the Kennedy fair was a new table topper Frank had built a couple days prior. With the booth sitting a bit smaller at 8x8 feet than our usual 10x10 booth size, we did not have room for our packaging table. This topper can hold the different sizes of wrapping paper and our smallest bags. It worked better than we thought it would and we will be using this going forward, even in 10x10 booths.

This market was such a nice experience as well. I had brought my last advent candle holder and it was sold within minutes of opening to my first customer of the day who got all her gifts-for-friends shopping done in one stop. She later sent the image on the right with the candle holder in action. I love how cozy that looks. Sweet!
My favorite thing about these markets is always meeting you all! A sincere thank you to everyone who came out to these markets!
You always give me such high praise when you come by, I leave these markets all warm and fuzzy and with a fresh supply of fantastic quotes that I secretly file away in my brain for a rainy day. Here are just a few:
"Your booth is my favorite of them all"
"We came here just for you"
"You strike the perfect balance between classic and whimsical"
"I love how you do neutrals"
"I love color but your white is just SO good. I need some"
"I want one of each"
"We love your work"
"We saw you at Paper Delights"
And my absolute need-to-print-on-a-tshirt: "I recognized your style before I even saw it was you!" Wow! as a designer there is no higher praise to hear! It's conditioner for the soul!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
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This article: I vendored at two Christmas markets around Seattle this year first appeared on http://ahomeforceramics.com.
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I am a Danish American making Scandinavian inspired ceramics out of my home based studio in a forest. These are my stories from the studio. But there is more
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