Studio Stories
I work out of my home based studio in a forest in the Pacific Northwest. This is just one of my stories.

Ceramic booth glow up

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Ceramic booth glow up

Last year, I had my first 10 x 10 booth at the Three Tree Point market. There was a lot of prep going on. Here is how I pulled it all together last year and here is all the marketing/branding I made for the booth and here is how the show went (so much fun) 

At the market, I did get a few comments about the booth.

A few people mentioned the shelves; it was the first thing they saw: "Oh your shelves are BEAUTIFUL", "where did you get them?", "I love the SHELVES". Ha ha. 

Stepping back and looking at the photos from last year like the ones just below, I can totally see that. They are so yellow, so overpowering. 

So this year, I gave my booth a glow-up before my summer markets. 

First, I re-imagined the layout of my booth. Last year, I had the check-out at the front. That was not so practical, I learned. I was in everyone's way. This year, I moved it back. I also added a few more shelving units and nixed the folding table.

Then, I gave all my shelves a white wash. Paint, paint, paint. Wipe, wipe, wipe. 

I did a test set-up in my drive way and it looked like this:

Ahhh. Already so much better. As you can see between last year's pictures and this year's, I put up less shelves. I wanted it all to have a calmer look and let's be honest, nobody looks at the bottom shelves anyway. And with nixing the camping table, I also had lost any storage I had under it, so in my new set-up, the bottom shelves were going to step up.

How to hide the storage? Make canvas curtains for all the lower shelves. Oh and a curtain on the check-out table to calm everything down. 

I bought some drop canvases, and went to town sewing a bunch of squares and added Velcro to the shelves and the canvas pieces. 

Then it looked like this. Are you feeling the excitement? What yellow?

Then I hung up my banner from last year with my logo and attached my logo piece of fabric to the check-out stand. 

Did I take any video of that process, you ask? Yes, yes I did. Here it is. And a sneak peek to the right of how I styled the right hand side of the booth at my first summer sale this year. 


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Katja Kromann
About Katja Kromann

I am a Danish American making Scandinavian inspired ceramics out of my home based studio in a forest. These are my stories from the studio. But there is more Katja Kromann Portfolio