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Kiln unloading no 76 - 7 favorite ceramics pieces from my latest firing

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Kiln unloading no 76 - 7 favorite ceramics pieces from my latest firing

Welcome to kiln opening number 76. I number my kiln firings and host an Earthie award show about it right here. 

(I want to share with you the 7 best pieces or groups of pieces the kiln gave me. I affectionately think of these picks as "Earthies" awards. (Earth=clay). At the end of the post I am going to declare the Kiln Winner. I have declared a kiln winner ever since my very first glaze firing. The Kiln Winner is the ceramic piece that makes me the most exited to pull from that kiln firing.) 

To build on the excitement, here are the 7 categories:

  1. 1. Noted glaze
  2. 2. Knows its shape
  3. 3. Pattern pot
  4. 4. Flexing texture
  5. 5. Favorite newcomer
  6. 6. Stacks or groups
  7. 7. Honorable mention

From this group of nominees I pick my favorite: the Kiln Winner. Here we go. 

Can a test tile make the 7 piece kiln winner line-up in the noted glaze category, question? Answer, Yes, when it is THIS good it can. Will you look at that red. I am not even that big of a red fan, but this red. This red I love!

How about this shape? A snow flake candy bowl. This is the first prototype. I really like it. 

Kiln 76 Earthies - 7 favorite ceramic pieces from my latest firing
Noted glaze
Kiln 74 Earthies - 7 favorite ceramic pieces from my latest firing
Knows its shape

This pattern pot is so sweet and just the right size to hold a stack of my home backed spiced Christmas cookies. 

Next up is a ribbon box. A candy dish with lid. It could charm the legs off of any coffee table it met, I bet. The ribbon can easily be removed when cleaning the piece and you can add different color ribbon according to the season too. 

Kiln 76 Earthies - 7 favorite ceramic pieces from my latest firing
Pattern pot
Kiln 76 Earthies - 7 favorite ceramic pieces from my latest firing
Flexing texture

You know I like my candlestick drip catchers. Here is my newest one, a snowflake drip catcher. Very wintery, very stylish.

The group/stack category from this kiln goes to two footed bowls with white glaze. They work great on a kitchen island or anywhere in a vignette in the living or dining room. So good as a set too.

Kiln 76 Earthies - 7 favorite ceramic pieces from my latest firing
Favorite newcomer
Kiln 76 Earthies - 7 favorite ceramic pieces from my latest firing
Stacks or groups

Honorable mention goes to these 12 that came out of this kiln. They sold out very quickly, so I am glad I have this memory just as they had been put together. Little dancing snowflake tree ballerinas. 

So who ran off with the title of winner this time?

Kiln 76 Earthies - 7 favorite ceramic pieces from my latest firing
Honorable mention
Kiln 74 Earthies The winner is

The ribbon box! I love this design so so much. And it is a box. I am a huge lover of boxes. The mystery of opening a lid and finding... something fun. Love it.

Kiln 76 Earthies - 7 favorite ceramic pieces from my latest firing

Here is the kiln 76 gang in a big happy group.

Kiln 76 Earthies - 7 favorite ceramic pieces from my latest firing


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This article: Kiln unloading no 76 - 7 favorite ceramics pieces from my latest firing first appeared on


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Katja Kromann
About Katja Kromann

I am a Danish American making Scandinavian inspired ceramics out of my home based studio in a forest. These are my stories from the studio. But there is more Katja Kromann Portfolio